Lars Dehlwes


Laser Scanning Microscope

Yet another MCU-based Laser Scanning Microscope. This time, using an STM32! More specifically an STM32L432KC Nucleo development board. This comes with the benefits of quick ADCs, DACs and USB Full Speed!

Hidroponia na Lavanderia

I am a proud operator of my own Hydroponic Plantation on my Balcony. Equipped with DIY flow control automation and key parameter monitoring (temperature, electrical conductivity and pH, for now) via the Internet of Things.

This wiki contains a good share of the preparatory work I had to go through for my master thesis. In vast majority differential geometry. While I tried to be vigilant about errors, take all the claims with a grain of salt though!

ESP32 Datalogger and Webplotter

This Arduino IDE sketch allows to log data recorded from sensors using an ESP32 on its flash memory. The ESP32 acts as a server in the local WiFi presenting interactive plots of the recorded data using plotly.

ESP32 Sunrise Wake-Up Light

This Arduino IDE project allows to use an ESP32 in order to control a smart RGBCCT light bulb running Tasmota. The ESP32 itself acts as a server in the local WiFi through which a wake-up time can be set up. In the 40 minutes preceeding the wake-up time, the ESP32 will send http requests to the smart light bulb, mimicking the color and light intensity curves of a sunrise.